
Daily Workout for September 18, 2024

“Ignite Your Inner Strength”

Workout Goal

The aim of this workout is to build cardiovascular endurance, improve strength for both the upper and lower body, and increase flexibility.

Daily Benefit

With a perfect blend of cardio, strength training, and stretching, this workout helps improve overall fitness. Cardio exercises elevate your heart rate, burning calories and enhancing heart health. Strength training aids in muscle toning, boosting metabolic rate, and improving joint health. Finally, stretching exercises are ideal for muscle relaxation, stress relief, and increased range of motion.

Warm Up

  1. Jumping jacks: Simply stand straight and start jumping, while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and clapping overhead. No specific equipment is required. Do 50 jumping jacks for about one minute. This exercise primes the entire body.
  2. High knees: Raise one knee to your chest at a time at a fast pace. No specific equipment needed. Perform for one minute. This exercise warms up the lower body.


  • Treadmill run: Set the speed as per your comfort and run for 15-20 minutes. It fires up all the major muscle groups.

Strength Training

Optional: You can choose either the upper or lower body exercises, but for a more comprehensive workout, try both.

    Upper Body

  1. Bench Press: Lie on a flat bench, hold dumbbells in each hand at chest level and slowly push upwards. Required equipment: Dumbbells or barbell. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. This exercise works the arms and chest.
  2. Shoulder Press: Stand or sit, hold the weights at shoulder height and push upwards. Required equipment: Dumbbells or barbell. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. This exercise works the shoulders.
  3. Lower Body

  4. Squats: Stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body as if sitting and stand up again. No specific equipment is required but you can hold weights for increased resistance. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. This exercise works the legs and glutes.
  5. Lunges: Stand straight, step forward with one leg, lower your body until your knee is at a 90-degree angle. Switch legs. No specific equipment is required but you can hold weights for added resistance. Do 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg. This exercise works the legs and glutes.


  1. Forward bend: Stand straight, bend from your waist, reach down to touch your toes. Hold for 30 seconds. This stretches the back and hamstrings.
  2. Quad stretch: Stand upright, bend one leg and hold your ankle with your hand. Hold for 20 seconds then switch. This exercise stretches the quads.

“The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.” – Unknown