
Daily Workout for August 21, 2024

“Blast from the Past: Back to Basix” Full-Body Workout

Goal of the workout:

The aim of this comprehensive daily workout is to improve overall cardiovascular health, build strength and increase flexibility through a diversified range of exercises.

Daily Benefit:

This workout will help burn fat, tone muscles, boost stamina and flexibility. It works every major muscle group enabling overall physical wellness. Regular practice leads to improved posture and core strength as well as mental benefits such as stress relief.

Warm Up:

  • Jumping Jacks

    DURATION: 2 minutes. EQUIPMENT: None. MUSCLES WORKED: Whole Body.

    Stand straight with your feet together and arms at your sides. Bend your knees slightly, jump into the air, spread your legs shoulder’s-width apart and stretch your arms out and over your head. Jump and return to your starting position.

Cardiovascular workout:

  • Running (or speed walking)

    DURATION: 20-30 minutes. EQUIPMENT: Running shoes (optional: Treadmill). MUSCLES WORKED: Legs, Core.

    Begin with a slow jog or walk to warm up then increase your speed to a comfortable, but challenging pace. Maintain proper running posture.

Strength Training:

*Choose to do either Upper body or Lower body exercises each day.

Upper Body Exercises

  • Push-ups

    DURATION: 3 sets of 15. EQUIPMENT: None. MUSCLES WORKED: Chest, Arms, Core.

    Start with a high plank position. Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the floor. Push your body back up to the initial position.

  • Standing Shoulder Press

    DURATION: 3 sets of 15. EQUIPMENT: Dumbbells. MUSCLES WORKED: Shoulders, Arms, Core.

    Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold the weights at shoulder level, and press them overhead. Lower back down to shoulder level and repeat.

  • Biceps Curl

    DURATION: 3 sets of 15. EQUIPMENT: Dumbbells. MUSCLES WORKED: Arms, Shoulders.

    Hold dumbbells down at your side with palms facing forward. Curl weights up by bending elbows and lower back down after a short pause.

Lower Body Exercises

  • Squats

    DURATION: 3 sets of 15. EQUIPMENT: None (Optional: Dumbbells). MUSCLES WORKED: Legs, Glutes, Core.

    Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lower down as if sitting in a chair. Keep your chest up, knees over toes, then return to standing.

  • Lunges

    DURATION: 3 sets of 15. EQUIPMENT: None (Optional: Dumbbells). MUSCLES WORKED: Legs, Glutes, Core.

    Stand straight, take a step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle. Push upward, return to starting position and switch legs.

  • Glute bridge

    DURATION: 3 sets of 15. EQUIPMENT: None. MUSCLES WORKED: Glutes, Core.

    Lie on your back with knees bent. Lift hips off the floor until shoulders, hips, and knees align. Return down on the floor and repeat.


  • Standing Hamstring Stretch

    DURATION: 30 seconds per leg. EQUIPMENT: None. MUSCLES WORKED: Hamstrings.

    Stand up straight then bend forward at your